Thursday, August 1, 2013

Unfortunately, she didn't catch El-Sisi's announcement.

News published in al-Ahram Egyptian newspaper – the last page on Wednesday 3rd of July 2013.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Optimum Choice to Scan Old, Yellow & Spotted Documents

As for unillustrated paper book, 18 cm x 25 cm, 464 pages, 29 fascicules x 16 octavo sheets = 464 pages


The best options to get a PDF file of high quality and small size (light weight):



Black & White

300 DPI

Brightness 195 (or) 200 of 255, and not (128) at all


Brightness degree likes the eye concealer, whenever it became high, whenever it covered the brown & yellow spots & shadows in the old paper.

So, increasing brightness of (white) background, and therefore decreasing boldness of (black) letters & words, give a pure page, also a lesser size of scanned paper.


The only problem in the (High) brightness is with the letters which are not full (enough & well) of black ink (the wiped old words). Increasing brightness (degree) effaces them.


As for contrast between black & white, it is adjusted automatic.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Former Member of Dutch Party for Freedom Converts to Islam

Arnoud Van Doorn who was a bitter enemy of Islam converted to Islam & cried regretfully in front of Muhammad's grave.

Oh my god, you lead who you want to your right way.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The First Literary Prize in My Life


Award of Unrestricted Writers Organization/ Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Turkey & Syria)

I won the first place for my novel No. 15 (Eissa's Grave)

Nowadays, I'm writing my 19th novel about India.